SC, Lazy wave, Hybrid Riser & tensioner simulation and fatigue with VIV (e.g. Kim, S.J. and Kim, M.H., “Dynamic behaviors of conventional SCR and Lazy-wave SCR for FPSOs in deep water”, Ocean Engineering, Vol.106, pp. 396-414, 2015)
Multi-hull/mooring/riser/hawser coupled dynamics simulation with control (e.g. Kang, H.Y. and Kim, M.H., “Hydrodynamic interactions and coupled dynamics between a container ship and multiple mobile harbors”, Ocean Systems Engineering, International Journal Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 217-228, 2012)
Simulation of DP-assisted mooring, installation, offloading, sloshing, slamming, ice loading (e.g. Kim, S.W., Kim, M.H., and Kang, H.Y., “Turret location impact on global performance of a thruster-assisted turret-moored FPSO”, Ocean Systems Engineering, International Journal, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 265-287 2016)
Simulation of wind turbines and WECs (wave energy converters) with hydro-elasticity & control (e.g. Bae, Y.H. and Kim, M.H., “Coupled dynamic analysis of multiple wind turbines on a large floater”, Ocean Engineering, Vol.92, pp. 175-187, 2014)
Sloshing-coupled hydroelastic analysis of FLNG
Research objectives are to
- Develop a three-dimensional simulation program that solves for hydroelastic motion and structural responses of FLNG, resulted from interactions of the FLNG’s motion including deformation, random waves, nonlinear mooring dynamics, and sloshing dynamics,
- Investigate corresponding deformation and stress resultants of the FLNG,
- Provide design guideline for the FLNG system.
This research is motivated by more flexible FLNG in a larger scale that has resonance risks by multiple dynamic components such as random waves, mooring lines and sloshing tanks. As preliminary results, the proposer already developed a 3D hydroelastic analysis program that couples the random waves, deformable body motion, and nonlinear mooring system. The hydroelastic analysis can further be applied to other dynamic components such as wind turbines or ice impacts.
Program development of fast boundary element method in time domain
Research objectives are to
- Develop a three-dimensional time-domain numerical program of fast boundary element method using multipole method and GPU parallelization,
- Investigate selected example cases of floating body interactions such as connection/disconnection of turret, vessels with varying forward speed, and multiple floating bodies with wave heading varying or float-over installation.
This research is motivated by limitations of conventional linear frequency-domain boundary element method, which is not capable of solving for various transient responses in offshore dynamics as well as considering structure shape change around mean water level or variation of forward speed, and low feasibility of CFD due to costly computation. The proposer will combine existing multipole method and GPU-parallelized dense matrix solver.
Coupled Hydro-elasticity structural analysis for offshore platforms
Research objectives are to
- Develop a three-dimensional time-domain numerical program that obtains real-time stress resultants resulted from interactions with random waves and various mooring-riser system,
- Develop an interface program that provides full distribution of all componential loads acting on offshore platform in the random seas, without costly CFD.
This research is motivated to improve accuracy of structural analyses by considering interactions of the loading components such as wave loads, mooring loads, and internal loads of the platforms, which are decoupled in conventional structural analysis. As preliminary results, the proposer already developed the program for x and y axes and applied them to simple moored geometries.