SC, Lazy wave, Hybrid Riser & tensioner simulation and fatigue with VIV (e.g. Kim, S.J. and Kim, M.H., “Dynamic behaviors of conventional SCR and Lazy-wave SCR for FPSOs in deep water”, Ocean Engineering, Vol.106, pp. 396-414, 2015) Multi-hull/mooring/riser/hawser coupled dynamics simulation with control (e.g. Kang, H.Y. and Kim, M.H., “Hydrodynamic interactions and […]
Ongoing & Potential Research Projects
by Prof. HeonYong Kang
Coupled Hydroelastic analysis for various offshore platforms Research objectives are to Develop a three-dimensional time-domain numerical program that obtains real-time stress resultants resulted from interactions with random waves and various mooring-riser system, Develop an interface program that provides full distribution of all componential loads acting on offshore platform in the random seas, without costly CFD. […]
by Prof. Hamn-Ching Chen
VIV and WIV Assessments of Marine Risers, Flexible Jumpers, and Rigid Jumper Systems (e.g. Huang, K., Chen, H.C. and Chen, C.R., “Vertical Riser VIV Simulation in Sheared Current,” International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 142-149, 2012) Vortex-Induced Motion (VIM) of Deep-Draft Column Stabilized Floaters in Waves and Currents (e.g. […]
by Prof. Jeffrey M. Falzarano
The Marine Dynamics Lab of Prof. Falzarano is engaged in developing efficient computational analysis approaches to evaluate wave structure interaction. These structures may be ships or may be non-ship-shaped floating offshore platforms. These vessels may operate at zero forward speed or may operate in a current or at non-zero forward speed. These vessels may operate […]
by Prof. Sharath S. Girimaji
Turbulence (e.g. M. Danish, S. Suman, S.S. Girimaji, “Influence of flow topology and dilatation on scalar mixing in compressible turbulence”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 793, pp. 633-655, 2016) Navier-Stokes Simulations (e.g. R. Srinivasan, S.S. Girimaji, “Partially-Averaged Navier–Stokes Simulations of High-Speed Mixing Environment”, Journal of Fluids Engineering , Vol. 136 No. 6, pp. 060903, 2014) Lattice Boltzman Method (e.g. […]